AAL Forum 2010 en Odense (Dinamarca)

01 September 2010

Evento/Acto: AAL Forum (Ambient Assited Living)
Data: 15-17 Septiembre 2010
Lugar: Odense (Dinamarca)
Organiza: AAL JP
AAL Forum 2010. Active ageing: smart solutions, new markets.
Los próximos días 15, 16 y 17 de Septiembre se desarrolla en Odense (Dinamarca) el AAL Forum 2010. AAL Forum es el punto de encuentro anual europeo donde confluyen usuarios, investigadores y empresas dedicadas a la aplicacion de las tecnologías de la información (TIC) a la mejora de la salud y la inclusion de todas las personas en la sociedad a través de las nuevas tecnologías.
RuraisLAB participa en esta edición de AAL Forum y forma parte del TrackB ("Changing the model of innovation through user engagement") participando en el Panel B6 ("Examples of User Centric Models") donde presentará la experiencia del LivingLab RuraisLAB Galicia a través de la presentación "RuraisLAB: a User Centred Research Space focused on rural Women enviroments"así como el enfoque de innovación social y la perspectiva de igualdad y valores desarrollada en los proyectos.


Acerca del AAL JP (English)

The AAL JP is a joint research and development funding programme implemented by 20 European Member States and 3 Associated States. The programme receives a substantial financial support - based on article 169 of the EC treaty - from the European Commission.

Objectives of the Ambient Assisted Living Joint Programme
The objective of the AAL Joint Programme is to enhance the quality of life of older people and strengthen the industrial base in Europe through the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). The motivation of the new funding activity is in the demographic change and ageing in Europe, which implies not only challenges but also opportunities for the citizens, the social and healthcare systems as well as industry and the European market. The concept of Ambient Assisted Living is understood as

  • to extend the time people can live in their preferred environment by increasing their autonomy, self-confidence and mobility,
  • to support maintaining health and functional capability of the elderly individuals,
  • to promote a better and healthier lifestyle for individuals at risk,
  • to enhance the security, to prevent social isolation and to support maintaining the multifunctional network around the individual,
  • to support carers, families and care organisations,
  • to increase the efficiency and productivity of used resources in the ageing societies.

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